Saige was born weighing only 650g!

 Saige Kimber was born on the 6th of October.

I was 26 weeks pregnant when I had an emergency c-section due to a low amniotic fluid.

She was born weighing 650g ‘micro premature’ and later dropped to 550g, which is the size of a block of butter & just taller than a pen.

She was born with an open duct in her heart and could not breathe on her own, so she was on a ventilator and had to be fed through a tube that was inserted through her nose to her stomach. I spent 4 months (18 weeks, 134 days, 1216 hours, 192,960 minutes) in Garden City Hospitals Neonatal ICU with Saige.

 I spent days and nights on my knees asking God to save my favourite gift. I have never felt a pain as deep as I felt when I saw my daughter breathe so heavily.

There were multiple issues, but Saige kept fighting. I share my daughter’s story with everyone I meet with the hope that everyone can see that God never slumbers or sleep & also because I would not want anyone who gives birth to a micro premature baby to be as confused as I was

To all moms of preemies out there I salute you because wow it is not easy at all, but these preemies are real fighters

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